It is a multi-tool bag that can safely store camping equipment and tools during outdoor activities. It is made of EVA & PE form that is resistant to external shocks. It is efficient because it can store various camping equipment such as hammer, peck, and string at once in a generous size.
Product Highlights
- Brand: KZM
- Made with EVA and durable PE form, which can effective protect your tools as well as give extra safety when carrying sharp objects inside
- Waterproof and comes with sturdy cushion handle to carry it conveniently
- More compartment to arrange and place more tools of various size at once
- Comes with mesh pocket design to store more item together in the bag at once
- Non-slip patch at the bottom of the bag to prevent slipping and can be used safely
- Size: 43x17x(h)13cm
- Material: Polyester, EVA
- Weight: 700g